Spyware is one of the most dangerous issues in todays world. At Signal Blocker Products we are developing a range of products taking existing proven systems like faraday cages and radiation protection materials to quality products that are extensively tested, so they can be used in situations where privacy is of the essence.

SignalBlocker is the result of 5-year investigation and development with a passion for privacy security concerning new spyware technologies. Development in both areas goes fast, so we find ourselves constantly testing new situations with the latest devices. Although spyware technologies could get very complex, the solutions to remain private, for you and your clients should be simple and 100% full proof.

Research is a big part of our daily activities and we find ourselves going to the busiest squares and cities to test resistance against highly intensive signals.

Besides privacy, we value a good uninterrupted conversation too. This is a great side-effect of Blocking the Signal of your devices and those of your colleagues which demands so much of our attention these days. Bringing back effectiveness into that quality, concentrated meeting.

We are a small international team of passionate individuals that started this journey because we believe quality cybersecurity solutions should be accessible to everyone. Please feel free to interact with us on our Twitter account.